Man at Keyboard with Credit Card

Ecommerce Websites

AspDotNetStorefront Ecommerce Software


I began developing websites in 2009 while working for HDTV Labs. The Ecommerce software used for the site was AspDotNetStorefront, an ASP.NET package that included a Microsoft SQL Server database. The site was developed using Microsoft Visual Studio as the integrated development environment (IDE). This site became a fully operational Ecommerce website.

Moving on to my next position at USAlert / OSI International, the management team there had seen my HDTV Labs website and hired me to develop a similar site for the OSI International business. This initially was an information only website for the general public and was also developed with AspDotNetStorefront software, a SQL Server database and in Microsoft Visual Studio, but with the Ecommerce sections disabled.

nopCommerce Ecommerce Software


The next priority was to develop a website for the USAlert dealer business. I had just completed a rather extensive 6 month Web Developer course locally and became interested in the MVC framework. Selecting the nopCommerce MVC Ecommerce software package with SQL Server database for development, the USAlert site was also initially setup as an information only website.

With both OSI International and USAlert websites online, the next step was to upgrade the OSI site to a fully operational ASP.NET Ecommerce site. Since responsively designed websites were becoming popular at that time along with a few other technical and financial reasons, the OSI website upgrade switched from AspDotNetStorefront to the nopCommerce MVC software package.

Business decisions were made to keep the USAlert site as a responsive MVC information only website. The OSI site remains a fully functional and responsive MVC Ecommerce website.

“If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it, you almost don’t have to manage them.”

— Jack Welch, former CEO General Electric

Jack Welch


The following website image links direct you to websites that may be modified versions of the actual websites.  Since website content is constantly changing, I decided to maintain these modified sites with as much of the original content that made sense to list.  The actual live sites of modified versions can be accessed at and